Technological advancement in value added agriculture and linking farmers to market through small holder’s group approach – Short Course and Study Tour, 22-27 May 2016, Denpasar, Bali-Indonesia

One of the programs conducted by UCDP is to give short coure and study visit as requested by a community or a group of people. The short coure and study tour which is now implemented by the UCDP on 22-27 May 2016 is Technological Advancement in Value Added Agriculture and Linking Farmers to Market Through Small Holder’s Group Approach.  The participants of the short course and study tour are the 6 delegates from the ministry of Agriculture - Bangladesh.  For the first day, the delegates attended the class in which presentations were given by the experts from the UCDP.  Prof. I Made S. Utama shared in this presentation about The Emerging Dynamic Markets: How to Create the Values - The Case of Horticulture;  Ketut Sumiartha, MAgrSc shared about The Agriculture in Bali and The Challanges the continued by Dr. Putu Sudiarta who shared about IPM program organized by Udayana University.  The representative from Bangladesh participants presented about Integrated Fam Management System in Bangladesh.  The rest of days will be visiting different agriculture sites to see directly best practices of field activities of small scale farmers as well as postharvest handlers.

This group of the short course and study tour is the seventh group coming from the Ministry of Agriculture Bangkadesh.  The six previous groups has been sent for traning or short courses with different themes.